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Continent: South America

Welcome to South America!!

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South America Resources

South America (Continents of the World Series for Kids)

South America. The Continents of the World Series is available on Amazon. This particular episode is about 15 minutes long and features the continent of South America.

A Child’s Walkthrough of South America

A Child’s Walkthrough of South America. Lots of great ideas, activities, and resources for teaching kids about the continent of South America. Several of the resources are ones that need to be purchased, but if you’re looking for a good hands-on way for kids to learn about the continents, these is a really great way to do that!

South America

(Earth's Continents)

(Xina M. Uhi)

Learning About South America

(Searchlight Books)

(Thomas K. Adamson)

South America

(The Seven Continents)

(Gloria Susana Esquivel)